Une Semaine de Bonte By Max Ernst

  1. A woman doing an elegant dance on the street and up comes a rooster.
  2. The rooster brought her to the Lair of the Roosters to meet with the Rooster Keeper.
  3. They told the woman to take off her clothes and do what they say or there will be consequences like what they did to the last woman that came here met her demise.
  4. She took her clothes off and the Rooster people de-clothed the dead woman and make here were those clothes.
  5. They brought her to a room where she can stay in. Suddenly, a rooster person came into the room and screamed for joy and shouted "HOORAY, MY NEW WIFE! WE CAN GET MARRIED!" The woman was shocked and passed out down the floor.
  6. Later, the woman woke up and saw another woman barricade the door and the rooster person is struggling to get in.  The woman quickly pushed back so he would not get the chance to get inside.


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