The Hero's Journey

    For the Hero's Journey, I watched part one of the "Lord of the Rings Trilogy" called "Fellowship of the Ring" The story begins with the innocent world of the Hobbit called the Shire. We meet our hero who is the nephew of Bilbo Baggins and his name is Frodo. He is just a regular guy, but he is smaller than mortals. He gets The Call to Adventure by his supernatural friend, The Wizard Gandolf the Gray, who asks Frodo to carry the magic ring on a journey. At first, Frodo refuses the call because he thinks he is too small to go on an adventure, and he is afraid to leave the Shire. 

    Frodo's first challenge is Crossing the Threshold when he and his hobbit friends go to meet Gandolf at a bar. All the people are mortals and much bigger, so he is afraid. Frodo accidentally puts on the ring and disappears. The dark stranger, Stryder, saves him and warns him that he is in danger from the death riders. He helped the hobbits escape and they flee to the world of the elves.

    The Road of Trials happens several times. The first time is when they are trying to outrun the death riders on the way to Rivendell. Another time is when they are crossing in the dark cave with the monster. Also, they face danger when the Orcs chase them. Each time they face a test, something or someone supernatural saves them. For example, Frodo gets stabbed and dies but the elf queen who is like a goddess brings him back to life.

    The most exciting moment or the Apotheosis is when the group is surrounded and you think they are going to die. Suddenly, they are rescued by giant birds. The group breaks up and starts to head home, but Frodo refuses to return home. The journey is so dangerous that he plans to go alone, but his friend, Sam, insists on going with him. This Hero's Journey does not end because there are 2 more parts to the trilogy.


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