Relationships in Pride & Prejudice and Relationships Today.

   In relationships in the past or present, it takes time and hard work to succeed. That's because relationships are complicated.
   In Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice, the relationships between the characters were definitely complicated and many of these complications were different from today. One example would be that men have to ask out girls and girls have to wait. Luckily, this is not the rule today and girls are free to ask the guys out; this is a good thing for guys who are shy.
    Another complication from Jane Austen's time period is that girls had only one option - marriage. Otherwise, she would have to live her life as an old maid living with her parents. Girls today have tons of options. They can get married or stay single and they have lots of job choices. No more old maids!
    There are some complications in relationships that are the same in the past and the present. One example is when a guy says one thing to a girl to get her to like him but it's a lie. This breaks the girl's heart whether in the past or present.
    While love is complicated no matter when you live, it is nice to live now because men and women are equal.


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